AI, also known as Artificial intelligence is a computer program that is designed to think by itself just like us human beings. This technology is at the present moment. AI can do many incredible things that a human being can't. We are using AI nowadays. For example- Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, etc. Using AI devices is so exciting, isn't it?
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We are not even aware that how they are ruling our life on social media. . For example, if you liked a comedy page on Facebook, then you will get to see a similar type of comedy pages again and again. Also, the kind of videos we watch on YouTube is shown to us again and again. Or if you buy something online, suppose a camera, similar cameras will be shown to you and other similar products by the respective website. Whatever you buy, the AI of the respective website keeps track of you. It recommends to you the products that you bought someday. This is called machine learning.
Image Source: Pixabay
According to Moore's law, the number of transistors in the world will be doubled after every 1-2 years. Since the first computer was invented, this law was proved right.
According to many researchers, AI can be dangerous for us if it starts to control itself. This kind of dangerous AI is not between us today but can be in the future. AI can make us their slaves. Stephen Hawking once said, "AI could end mankind."
Now I will tell you about Facebook's experiment on AI.
The year 2017 was of the most shocking years for the whole world. Because this year, in July-August, an experiment was carried out by Facebook and it shocked the whole world. In the experiment, the engineers were trying to make advanced chatbots. A chatbot is a kind of robot that can reply by itself. They were trying to create chatbots, that would talk to each other.
Finally, they created two chatbots and named them Alice and Bob. They talked to each other in a very different manner. A copy of their conversation is given below:-
Image Source: Rankred
Facebook’s engineers weren’t able to understand what they are talking about. After many inspections, they got to know that these bots have already developed a language by themselves. And are escaping from us humans to talk to each other. This program got weird intelligence. They created a secret language to talk to each other which we humans were not able to understand. Language making is not at all simple, it's complex. Let me tell you that English itself took 1400 years to develop. So, how can they make a language in very little time?
After several days of this incident, many International news channels reported that Facebook has shut off these AI Programs because of helplessness. After many difficulties, they were able to shut down that program. What if they had not shut down this program? They shut down this program because they thought that these bots are acting over smart and also going, out of their control. This event was one of the most shocking events in the world of AI.
What if computers become self-aware, just like humans, and began to understand each other’s language? What if AI becomes even more intelligent than humans? Will they rule the whole world?
If we will lose our control over the computer’s brain, then there will be a war between humans and computers. A fight that humans will never be able to win. The AI will rule us. This will be a kind of impossible war between HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
Because the computer can make new languages, talk to each other, and even develop themselves. If we will combine this all together, Intelligent AI will be formed, even more, intelligent than the human brain. On Earth, no one is intelligent than humans, but if computers will succeed in doing this, then it will become a matter of concern. No matter how much we try to defeat these robots, will never be able to do this. Because their mind power is unlimited times more than ours. This is similar to an ant fighting against humans.
So, here ANT=HUMANS=ROBOTS, if we compare. All of us know that humans are considered to be superior to any other organism on Earth in terms of intelligence and other things. That’s why humans are ruling on Earth for so many years. But, if we compare humans and apes in matters of intelligence, these numbers are nearer. If apes’ intelligence is 55 then humans are 60. Surprised!! But this small gap matters a lot.
Image Source: Pixabay
We human beings are becoming superior because we can make high-rise buildings, any weapon and can talk to each other. On the other hand monkeys and chimpanzees being intelligent can't anything like us. If we measure, each organism’s intelligence then- 1=rat,4=dolphins,7=chimpanzee,9=humans.
A powerful AI will get 1000 points easily. The human brain is powerful got only 9 points!!!!!!
This is because the size of our brain is limited and it is present in the bone of our skull. So, neurons are limited in number because of limited space. AI doesn’t have a limit because a computer can expand itself as much as it wants.
Image Source: Shutterstock
The brain works with a nervous system, but on the computer, unlimited power can come. 1000 years later from now, when the processor’s power will increase 1000x times, then it will be able to access excessive power. Excessive means so much excessive, virtually unlimited resulting in the increase of technology, that will be a danger for us.
Computers will be able to access more and more power. We know that the speed of communication in computers is equal to the speed of light, 300000 km/s. but the human brain’s speed of communication of neuron communication is 400 km/h that is nothing if compared to that of computers. If computers will be able to talk at this speed then, they will be able to do anything, make anything, etc.
We have discussed the future, but if we talk about the present moment, then there is no such computer program or AI intelligence as any human brain. But if the computer’s brain will even become 1% intelligent than a human brain, then this event will be known as a singularity. From here, the story will be the start of AI and the end of humans. The AI now works under a limit but is evolving at a very high speed.
Some researchers believe that AI will come till the year 2040 while some even say that it can also come till the year 2030. Most of the scientific community believe that singularity will definitely happen. But, what exactly will happen? When it will happen? The answer to this question is known to humanity but the theories suggested are very interesting. I am discussing some cases below-
CASE 1 Mankind will end because of the arbitrary of robots.
CASE 2 Humans will never die, we will live forever.
Whether the intelligence will be used for good or bad work, we don’t know. But if they develop emotions and feelings in them, then CASE 2 will happen and will help us. Just like humans are good and bad, theorists believe that robots will be also good and bad. If we talk about nowadays, there are a large number of good people. That’s why the world is like developing. Whatever is invented is invented using intelligence. For example, assume that we say our scientists to make a liquid by which we can become immortal. But, this is against the law of nature. So, they will not be able to do it. Maybe AI can make it for us if CASE 2 happens and help us have more lifespan. If CASE 1 happens then, they will end ant-like humans and will increase their own population. We will know more in the coming time.